7th Framework Programme
From this page, you have access to the information you need to take part in European projects in the KBBE thematic priority of FP7.
If you have specific questions, please contact the National Contact Point in your country or region!
The KBBE theme in brief
Budget: € 1.9 billion over a period of 7 years (2007 - 2013).
Objective: to build the European Knowledge Based Bio-Economy.
The KBBE will play an important role in a global economy, where knowledge is the best way to increase productivity and competitiveness and improve our quality of life, while protecting our environment and social model. It is a sector estimated to be worth more than € 1.5 trillion per year.
KBBE addresses the following needs:
- growing demand for safer, healthier, higher quality food;
- sustainable use and production of renewable bio-resources;
- increasing risk of epizootic and zoonotic diseases and food related disorders;
- sustainability and security of agricultural, aquaculture and fisheries production;
- increasing demand for high quality food, taking into account animal welfare and rural and coastal contexts and response to specific dietary needs of consumers
The Bio-Net project can offer you their support in building a project as a coordinator or participate in a project as a partner.
The European Technology Platforms (ETP) will play an important role in the evolution of European R&D: they will help to define the research objectives of the EU's 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development.
ETPS regroup, in a defined key-sector, research and innovation actors such as industries, SMEs, public and private research organisations. They are coordinated by industrial leaders on the sector. This structure allows the development of a useful R&D policy that will be acceptable to the industry.
The European Technology Platforms should:
- Stimulate European research;
- Help increase R&D investments in quality and quantity in key sectors, in order to improve competitiveness;
- Accelerate innovation in the key sectors;
- Create jobs thanks to innovation and R&D;
- Cut down barriers which slow down the transformation of new technologies into added value for the economy;
- Define the sector's long-term objectives in a "Vision Paper" and a "Strategic Research Agenda" with specific R&D objectives to be reached in this sector.
European Commission launches consultation
European Commission needs expert evaluators
BIO-NET has organised a training on "Advanced financial issues of FP7 and financial rules necessary for implementing a project"!
International Conference on Biotechnology and Food Science (India)
Brokerage Event: Taste, Nutrition and Health (France)